Sabtu, 09 April 2011

really love my high school time

many people said that high school is the best moment ever in life
for me?high school time is incredible !! awesome!time goes by..just 1 weeks, i will left my high school time facing unas hummm bless me God :)but, there is something that make my heart hurti will left my high school lifeno more class , no more white-grey uniform, no more sweet 17th partyif i thought about this, i feel so sadbut, whatever it takes, i can't turn back or stopped the timeit must left and change into new pages of life that hopefully more awesome and incredible :)and whatever it takes,i never ever forget my high school time until i die :)i love my high school time :) i really really do :)

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

as a time goes by :)

i still remember the first time i enter my elementary's gate
my mother hold my hand, help me in my first day in school :)
i still remember the first time i learn about math
it's very simple, it's just like 1+1=? :)
i also remember every time i go back to home from school, i play with my lovely dolls :)
now, i'm not just learn how to solve 1+1=? or what is the spell of "gajah"?, but i solve sin2x+sin3x is..
the barbie doll has packed into my treasure box
hmm times goes by ..
now i'm 18th years old girls which going to 19th this year 
just a few months ago, i will leave my highschool life and enter the university rush
actually, i'm not ready yet for this .. why ?
because my high shool life is so wonderful.. i met many people.. i had a many new experiences ever ..and it succesfully made me in love with this :)
but, like i said, time goes by and it's impossible to back to pass.. all i must do is looking forward not backward
hopefully, my university life will as awesome as my high school life
i realize that i'm not a girl anymore :)
i'm a woman :)
and my teenage season will be ended soon :)
and all i want to do is being so wise with time :)
i want to be great woman, with great carrier, and with a great guy :)
just say goodbye to my lovely dolls and pigtails
say hello to university, guy, and carrier :)

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
it's just me christineanastasia i love my simple life i love my simple me :)